Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 1'18 PM Someimtes, I drive round and round for half an hour looking for parking and end up parking ten block away and am late and it's cold and rainy. Today, it is sunny and pleasant and I got a parking place right away only a block and a half away, in front of a church where young black men are sitting and taling. I walk down the sunny sidewalk toward Hill Medical. There are African Americans everywhere and It have any here. Think of the rioting in France and hope we do not have problems here. When I worked at King,Iwas comfortable with the people, but now that I've been away, I wonder and worry a little. Feel nervous, probably for no good reason at all.
There is construction in the building and I get all disoriented and arrive feeling confused. I often feel confused here, maybe its the rugs outgassing formalins.
Listening and responding:
I am feeling cranky about your reaction to my cranky note to Heidi.
I remember my taking that panoramic photo that Hal took of me at the pond at Beaver Lake off the wall of my livinroom, somewhat sadly,because I loved looking at it, and bringing it to YOU because I loved you and believed you loved me and thought I was doing you a kindness and that you would enjoy being able to look at such a beautiful picture of me in my element--nature. I thought you's be excited about it and that it would bring you pleasure.
I remember arriving at your house and bringing in the picture to show you. I was all excited. I thought it would please you.
After you looked at it, it got set on the bedroom floor. We were busy, but I thought you would find time to put up the photo where you could see it.
I brought it up several times. You expressed only remote mild interest. You did not seem to care or be interested in it the way i thought you would be. I considered taking it back to NY where at least I could enjoy looking at it. But that seemedcounter productive.
That was more than two years ago. Since that time, I have brought it up on numerous occasions and always met with the smae lukewarm response. We did discuss several places to put it. One was over the wall on your side of the bed. Several other possibilties were mentioned, including over the head of the bed. I worried aloud to you that if we hung it on your side of the bed that you might bump into it and knock it down. We discussed it at length but nothing was done. I evenmentioned a couple times that if we didn't do it together, Imight do it myself. No reaction.
The result is, I feel that you don't listen and don't care and don't really want to change anything Susan did (even though if she were alive,she'd be changing things all the time.)
I am not saying you never listen. I am saying you often don'tlisten,especially about certain topics.
Here are someof the topics you don't listen about:
• hanging my pictures. I would like to hang my father's pictures. I would like to hang Gloria Royer's pictures. I think original artwork and photography by family members and friends are more important to hang and view than unknown art (especially some of what is in your house, which I dislike and would never hang.) This is how I know that the Moran Road house is Susan and your house and not mine. Because there is ugly art on the wall and very little of my art collection and none of my photography. I'm also somewhat offended that you suggested we use my study as a gallery of my work, as if it wasn't good enough to display anywhere else. That's really offensive. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it sounded!
• Getting help with our problems. I think that we need help. I think we need couples counseling and family therapy and that Graham needs therapy. But no matter how many times I bring it up, you just ignore me. I realize there is an expense involved and we're low on funds, but your health insurance should cover a large portion of it.
• Susan's retainer: I have asked you several times about Susan'sretainer. I'm assuming it's Susan's retainer. I asked you if it was hers andif we needed to keep it, but you never answered me and it's still in the bathroom closet. Are you expecting her back? I'm genuinely sorry she died, and that you lost her, but keeping the retainer won't bring her back and we have a shortage of space. The retainer is sort of symbolic of all sorts of things around the house that we don't need and that I don't want that are taking up valuable space. And I can'tunpackmy stuffbecause there is nowhere to put it. How can you call her house "ours" when there's not much space in it for me? As long as there is more of HER than me, it's not my house and therefor not "our" house. There is someof the stuff in the house that I really dislike. However, you said you LIKED it. So, assuming you just love all the stuff in the house that used to be Susan's and you've inherited it, then it is all YOURS. Now forgive me for saying this,because I don't think relationships should be 50-50 weighed on a scale, but if everyting in that house is yours, it needs to be reduced to HALF (aproximately) of it's volume so that I have HALF the space for my stuff. Of course, it's not that simple, really. We have two things that are ours. The candle and the picture in the bathroom. And the spiceshelf, so that's three--that ws newly created for US. So if there are 5227 items in the house and we subract 3 things that are ours, that leaves 2,612 things for each of us. This should be more or less equally distributed. That is,all my 2,612things should not be in boxes in the basement while your are occupying the house. Of course, I'm being ridiculous and exagerating, but I gope you get my point. Right now, your Susan stuff occupies most of the house and my stuff is relegated to boxes in the basement and odd corners. If you need more examples of what I mean, I'll be happy to supply them.
• I could go on andon, but at this point I won't. If you infuriate me enough, I may.
OK, now I want you to know that I do notice and appreciate things you do,and progress.
• THANK YOU FOR FIXING MY CAR, I really appreciate it. I thank you for doing it and for the time and energy you spent. You get a LOT of atta boys for that! Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy!
• THANK YOU for putting my desk together and adding the addition and expanding it so we can work together and hooking up the printers etc. I really appreciate it, really really. Thank you. Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy!
• Thank you for being supportive of my writing and art (photography). This is very very importanttomeand I appreicate it. Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy
• Thank you for walking with me. Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy
• That you for your efforts to be attentive to and supportive of my complex and ever-changing healthcare needs! I wish I didn't have all these issues but I appreciate your patience with them! Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy!
• Thank you for being cute and sexy and an attentive lover. I love your loving! Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy Atta boy!
Now, back to the issues of the pictures. I don't want you to hang the pictures without me, particularly, I'd rather do it together. What I would like is for you to show some interest and to schedule a time to not only talk about it, but to actually DO soemthing. I realize we are both very busy, but it's important tomaketimefor this.
ACTION ITEM: Schedule a time to talk about the painting and photographs. Put it on your calendar. Make it a sacredspace. If something happens,makean effort to reschedule. Afterdiscussing the issues, the possible chnages, makea plan to carry through on the decisions and ACTUALLY hangthe pictures or let me do it. Ifthis were really MY house, I'd feel free to make chnages. I don't,because it's your house and Susan's house and you made it clear to me on numerous occasions that you liked it as it was and that any changes had to 1)be jointly made and 2)fit into THE EXISTING DECOR (which means we can't change the Susan look even if we hate it. Which means that house can never be mine and we need to either move elsewhere and start over with a house that is really OURS not susan's or get divorced.)
Flintrop,when next,repeat that I'm Rstless leg syndrome? Stress other insomnia issues.
Start meds 1 pill every morning empty stomach 6 weeksblood test, wait for call, if no call her her. Return 3months.labs before office visit.
3:07 PM I am walking back toward the car. Dr. Lal was very pleased with me
• because I lost 7 pounds and my thyroids improved
• because I remembered to take my blood test (I was two days late taking them, but she got them in time anyway)
• because I was lucid and not as confused as I was the last two times I saw her.
My thyroids were better, but not good enough and she's starting me on thyroid eds for atrial, a low dosage that may have to be riased. She wants me to take expensive name brands rather than generics because she says they are significantly better, and she gave me a two month supply (but I may have to take them the rest of my life, like Robert and my mother.) I have to get two sets of blood tests, one n 6 weeks and one in 3months to further adjust
I have to take one blood test at the end of December and one Feb 6 (or7), should be the 6th.
I have to take the pills every morning on an empty stomach. She said they could improve my
• cholesterol
• sleep
• fibromyalgia/pain/restlessness
no guarantees, though.
OK, off to the coop, a walk,my mother. I had 6 errands on my list and have done 2.
4:20 PM Everything is taking longer than it hoped it would. I went to the Coop for oat and rice bran and ended up buying various things including oat bran but they didn't have any wheat bran. It all took too long and it is 4:20 and I want to walk before it gets dark ut then it will be dinner time for mom. And it occurs to me that it is already Tuesday and we never talked about meeting, the girls and I. We used to meet for a while on Tuesdays butit seems to have swwitched to Wednesdays and I wish we'd spoken about it. Bt I may end u0p going 2 days in a row which I guess wouldn.t be so bad since it's been a number of days since I went.
Still, Iprefer knowing what's going on.
Coming down the stairs from Dr. lal's office (I chose to take the stairs,rather than, the elevaotor, I pausedto enjoy the light coming through the glass bricks and take a couple pictures. It was incredibly beautiful in there, all agically lit and the curved surfaces. People walking by were all looking at me askance as if I were some weirdo or terrorist or something. Couldn't they SEE the gold slant of light in the magical circle? None of them looked enthralled, but then again,maybe they see it every day and it's old hat.
It's sunny today. This afternoon, anyway. It was sunny when I arrove, but the sun has already gone behind the trees and cast the world in shadow. I went thr wrongway, because on the other side, there is still some sun. Thursday it's supposed to snow.
Now,already, the sun is gone from even the hills. I'm carrying a ton of camera gear, but no tripod, so it is probably pointless and waste of energy. It's 4'30 and the sun has set. I need to be out starting my walks by 3'15 or so, at the latest. Of course, tomorrow I have an appointment with Arlene Stausinger at 4:00. I need to plan to walk 1st. Let's see, arrive Staubsinger at 3:45. Leave B'ville location at 3:3o begin walk at 2:15 at the lastest, leave home at 2 PM at the latest.
Tomorrow, it's supposed to rain. Thunderstorm in the afternoon. I should check the weather and try to plan the best time to walk.
4:51 I am sitting on the side of the hill at meadowbrook Park, feeling somewhat relaxed and contented. I sat down to attempt a pictureof the sunset,but without the tripod, it's pretty pointless. But I can see it with my eyes and the creek winding through the park and the air smells good, like fall.
I am eager to see you, soon. Yay!
I'm sorry I reacted with such annoyance to what you said. I'm sure I do as much or more to anger you. But still, you need to make a plce for me in your life and your house.
If you were here now, I would lean against you and sniff, and hope that you'd touch me because your touch feels so healing.
With the dark comes cold. I suppose I'd better get up and keep moving.
A woman in a long white "gown" with a white dog approaches like a dream--I try a picture but it's too dark even at 1600. She turns out to be wearing a beige sweater and long beige skirt and the dog is an ancietpoddle.
I don'twant to move. I feel as if I'm always rushing fromone thing to the next. I guess I shouldnot have sat down.
I am finally walking again. It'sso dark that I don'ttake the side trail up into the woods. I amenjoying the subtle autumn colors let by a fading red sky. Very peaceful and soothing.
My hips are bad, though. I made two mistakes at Kensington:
• I bought a ricedream bar with nuts,it was the only knd they had and I think I'm allergicto nuts. Worse yet, I thought it had a carob coating and it turned out to be choclate, but I didn't see that. The ones I buy at wegman's occasionally arecarob coated, so I forgotto check I should even get the carob ones (I rarely do), but the chocolate is even worse. It was small but had a lot of nuts
• I bought someraising pecan bread, a rare treat. I was forgetting about the nuts. And ate a hunk of it on my way here to tide me over til I get home, since I'm planning to stop and see Mom.
The moon has gone from waxing crescent to waxing quarter--orpretty darn close to it, and gotten bright in the darkening sky.
My watch says I walked 23 minutes, but Iwalked a ways without rmembering to turnit on. Whatever, I'm headed overto Loretto.
Wednesday, November 9,2005,3:55 PM I amsitting in Arlene Staubsinger's waiting room with two other people who arrived at the same time I did. Luckily, I think they are here to see someone else. Thunder was rollling and rain falling as I walked into the building.
I was thinking I had some extra jeans because I'd bought a pair to make shorts, and never cut them off. But if so, they must all be in Detroit, because they don't seem to be in B:ville.
I got drenched,utterly soaked, when I tookmy walk in the rain. I hadto change everything I was wearing. The problem was, there was nothing to put on! I put on one of Erin's old Allman Brother's T-shirts, one of Mom's old flannel shirts, oneof Pa's oldpants (which don't fit because they're too tight and too small.) I put on an old pair of my running shoes that are muddy and dusty and warped and uncomfortable. I put on an oldwork sweaterof mine that is too smallandan old Adidas running shell. It's an uncomfortable and ugly mish-mash. I had been wearing my regular jeans, an olive green Manitou Forest T-shirt and an Olive green hooded sweatshirt and my snow mocs, but those are all soaked.
When I get home,if I have time to go home before I go tomeet Sara at Loretto, I may put my soppingsnowmocs back on and throw these snakers right in the trash. I need to get rid of the pants,too, to the salvation army. I could wear them, maybe if I lost some weight,but I don't like them. They
Kevin Murphy adults and ADD read--OUT OF THE FOG.
Lynn Weiss
Women and ADD
Delivered from Distraction Ratey and Hallowell
Wellbutrin as a possibilty.
Even out moods and help control ADD
4:59 PM I have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, I forget which, or both. I'm in Dr. Fazio's office. I brought in the report for him to copy. Ilistened to Dr. Staubsinger tell me about it, and then I sat in Fazio's office and reread the report. I don't like the report.
It makes me sound like a bad person. I kind of look like a bad person,too, with the mess inmy house.
She suggested counseling, creating good habits, and the possible use of Wellbutrin. And a coach. So I have to research those option. It is POURING out.
She said only 2% of people respond to the Feingold diet, but I may be one of them.
I'm confused.
What should I DO to make things better?
Thursday, November 10, 2005,9'59 PM I'm out walking. It's very cold, well, relative to how warm it's been, it feels cold. It could be much colder. It's not yet below freezing. We're supposed to get two inches of snow tonight. Dang, and tomorrow I'm planning on driving to Hamilton.
I hope the roads are clean and dry, or, at least not icy, snowy or slippery.
I got my newLibretto in the mail. It is two or three times as big as the Psion I'm writing on now. Still pretty small. But really, now that I have it and spent al that money, I think it is just exactly the WRONG size and configuration. It is too small to go in the pocket,and not configured, like the Psion, tobe used inmotion. It has a hard drive andif you use it in the air like a Psion, you get all kinds of warningmessages. I willl have to fiddle with it and see what's possible. But it~s too big to go in pocket and too big to easily hold it and type while walking for example, but too small to comfortably write on it on the desktop, ad too small to read or see what you'redoing. I may have to buy a big magnifier. So it's not really good for eother purpose.
I'm such a fool.
I wanted it to be another Psion,now that Psions are no longer made and harder and harder to come by. And I wanted it to be a laptop fortravel and conferneces and rereat, but Idon't think it will workwell for either of those purposes.
The moon swima abov,surfacingand diving. The sky looks abnormally bright, grey andmisty rather than black.
I was able to get online with Toby, the new libretto, but only after I called tech support.
And I was finally able to dock on the DVD drive and when Ileft,it was downloading somepix from a CD, which I want to use as a screen saver.
Lo andbehold,on the new computer, there was that sunsetgraham thought he had taken.
I need to delete the sample pictures,nice as they are,orput them in a filebaelled, good pixnotmine,as I've donesometes before.
I can't see themoon,butit'slighting the edges and fringes of clouds. And the edges annd fringes are lit with faint rainboes.. They are moving fast past the moon and their colors ebb and rise with the thickness of the clouds, now blaack,now grey,now white and radiant and pearlescent.
The cold is sort of invigoorating. It's exciting and stimulating rather tha relaxing and lazy the way the heat is. But I think cold is yin and hot is yang. I'll have to look that up. Maybe because the cold makes me active and stimulated, at least at firts until I am too chilled, it makes memore yang because of its yinness. and the heat makes me relaxedand open and aceptin and yin because it is yang. I don't know, I don't really get it.
When I get home,I'm going inside andputting my pajamason. If I have not walked 45minutes, too bad.
Hey, guess what,it's snowing, and the snow is colecting onmy jacket and sweater and hat.
And there is the gibbous moon, amost fully visible through veils of cloud in gap between two thick dark clouds. Anyone who objects to poems I write about the moon and falling sow in the smae poem hasn't been out walking with meatnight in a snowstorm with the bright moon leaping betwen clods.
10:40 PM I'm home and walked 41 minutes but I'm not going to put my PJs on and go to bed,because I want to load someof mytrip stuff in thecar first.
Friday November 11,2005,1:12 PM I am stopped at the Border Crossing at customs. The line is much longer than usual, but I've seen iit much worse,too. I heard that yesterday, they had an extremeslowdown at Windsor, Sarnia and many other crossings and that people had to wai more than 3 hours.. The Canadian Customs want and armed presence.
This line is movin slower thanthe ones to either die, of course, much more slowly. I always pick the slowest line. But it is moving. I am listening to Arabian music on a French language station out of Toronto and I need to turn it off when I get up to the booth, LOL!
I do like it. I have to admit. Only now, They've switched Indian Hindu Sitar music.
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 10:14 AM We're in the car in the parking lot of The Comfort in, turning, headed out to Centennial Parkway, to go to breakfast. We're been more or less "up" since 6 am (and awake since 5:40), but messing around with each other and downloading photos in order to clean the carsin order to free them up for later use. And taking portrails of keith.
10:27 Now we are at The Egg and I up on the hill,s very for breakfast. I'm ordering a mushr--momelette. It is very crowded.
3rd Sweetie Anniversaary (Hamlton 5)
Veteran's Day weekend is Keith and my three-year anniversray of becoming sweeties. Yesterday, November 12, 05, was Day One of our celebratoryHamlton trip. We arrived at the motel around 2, settled in, and then drove up to te Devil's Punchbowl at the top of Centennial and to the left.. This waterfall is right at the edge of the Niagara Escarpment and has formed a large punch-bowl shaped basin. We walked around the falls taking pictures. The falls itself is really pretty, but the road at the very top takes away from the total effect. Then we took pictures of the huge cross that has been erected at the edge of the escaprment. Keith suggested that they may have erected it there as a sort of counterspell the the name, Devil's Punchbowl.
The punchbowl park was closed and we worried about stopping there and parking at the roadside, but as soon as we did, another car stopped and then another. Soon, there were six cars parked around our car. We had nucleated them, LOL!
Then we walked along the Dofasco 2000 Trail, stopping to take pictures of grapes vines and barns and apple orchards and red-tipped dogwood bushes and each other. We tasted a couple apples from a downed limb and saw a heron take off twice nearby, thrilling us with it's long wings. We admired stannds of small same-size trees and their reflections in the many little ponds. It was very wet. The gibbous moon rose over it all as it got dark. We chased the moon trying to position it just so over the apple orchard. We had fun.
Then we went back to the room and cuddled a while and got dressed up and took pictures of ourselves dressed up and then went out to dinner at Baranga's on the beach. This is the nicest restaurant we have so far discovered in Hamilton. It is right on the beach and the food is well-made and tasty. We had calamari for starters and a nice meal with wine. We asked the waittress to take a picture of us, and also took our own reflection in the large windows that looked out over the dark beach.
Day Two was Saturday the twelfth and we had breakfast at the Egg and I, after busying ourselves in the room downloading pictures. They messed up the order and put Keith's cheddar cheese on my onelette and I sent it back, but he never got his cheese. My onelette though was good.
Then we went to the Botanical Gardens Nature Center which wasn't very interesting, and then walked the Captain Cootes trail and took lots of pictures and had a good time together. One of the highlights of the walk was the landing of the trumpeter swans!! Six swans descended on Coote's bay, turming and back peddling their wings. They landed among some Canada Geese. We was fascinated by their trumpeting--how much like a trumpet it sounded, and how beautiful they were, landing. We also enjoyed walking down into the wildflower trail, though there were no wildflowers to be seen. It was in a gorge with a stream running through. From there, we went back to the Captain Cootes Trail along the bay. We enjoyed the views of the bay, and of course took lots of pictures. Most of the leaves had fallen from the trees, but there were still some sugar maples and oaks with intense color. Along this walk and during most of our others, Mary was taking pictures for her assigments for her Better Photo.com course.
Keith collected acorn caps, magnificent acorns, possibly the best he'd encountered anywere. "You might say, he said, 'mighty acorns from little oaks grow (because the trees were't about nothin'.) 'He made whistles out of them and kept startling Mary by blowing one shrilly and unexpectedly. He insisted on testing every promising cap he found, like a little kid. He wouldnt stop.
When we got back to the car, we drove around looking for a place to eat and reading the dining guide. We went downtown and the first couple places we went were defunct. We walked and walked and walked and finally ended up eating at Mahal, an Indian Resterant with delcious food. We really enjoyed it. Keith had the Tandoori Chicken Tikki, ~"mild". The rice that they served was a rather dry basmati, just the way Keith likes it. Mary's food was quite hot but wonderful
Then we went back to the room, downloaded and looked at our pictures, and went to bed, exhausted.
On Day 3, Sunday, November 13, 2005, we got a up, finished the downloading we'd started last night, and went back to the Egg and I for breakfast. This time, our breakfasts were more reasonable. That is, we both got what we ordered. And the food was reasonably good.
On the way up, we noticed a waterfall up the slope of Upper Centennial, so on the way back, we stopped and explored the falls and took pictures. When we got back in the car, I looked on the AAA roadmap of Hamilton, which has many of the falls labeled, but this one was not labeled. It was a nice falls, though, worth the visit. (There's no parking area, we just had to stop on the side of a very busy road.) It had a similar amphitheater shape as the Devil's punchbowl. Theere was lots of scree,loose rocks under fallen leaves that made the footing treacherous. Mary struggled trying to level the tripod on the steep slope and keith struggled getting down by the falls for Mary to include him in her photograph (and then went back again when the first set didn't comeout right.) (Keith says he struggled tobe Mary's sweetie, accomdating and repsctful. Mary wishesthat being her sweetie wasn't such a struggle, LOL!). There were herb Roberts in flower. Also Tansy.
Then we went to the RBG (Botanical Gardens) and loooked around, visited the greenhouse, and took pictures. We repeated some of the pictures we'd taken in past trips and then walked out onto the botanical garden grounds and trails (taking more pictures as we went, and repeating more of the old pictures. Keith took one of Mary walking and typing on the Psion, as he did once beofre in the same spot. he was impressed that she could walk and type at the smae time.
Type note to self: are we visiting a bird sanctuary today? If so, take bird seed.
Salmon, spawning ? (fight?) lost?)
Boardwalk. Bridges. Repeating photos from previous trips.
We went on the "Bridle Trail" and the "Grindstone Marshes trail." We saw lots of chicadees and male and female cardinals and nuthatches a ducks (and salmon). People put of bird seed and the chicdees etc will eat out of your hand. If you're patient andlucky. Also squirrels. Took somepictures of the bird. The blackbirds are flocking up. Mourning doves.
Sunday night, we ate at the Black Forest INN, Scwarzwaldhaus" and we ordered Rindsrouladen. And Keith got a tall beer--I tasted it, it was good. Warsteinder. It was one of the places we atempted to go to Saturday night, but they told us the wait was 45 minutes or more. I'mglad we went back. The meatball soup was scrumptuous. And the wait wasn't so long, thank goodness. The Rindrouladen was very tasty, aswas the cabbage, potatoes,Mary's apple strudel and Keith's hazelnut torte. It wasn'theavy and cloying., more like a sponge cakewith whipped cream.
Then we went back to the room, downloadeed our pictures and viewed them. My also downloaded Picasa, Irfanview and Firefox to her new little Toby while Keith snoozed. The we both snoozed.
On Day four, Monday, November 14, 2005, we packed all our stuff up, checked the room, shecked out and had breakfast at the Egg and I again. We both had the Egg and I big Breakfastwhich consisted of three eggs, 3 slices of bacon, three suasages, three pieces of back bacon, 2 slices of toast and home fries (and we had juice). We asked for grapefruit but got orange.
Then we went shopping at Sears for Bedding--non-feather bedding for Mary's allergies, and then wentto Beamers Falls. It's approximately ten miles from Centennial to Beamers Falls along Ridge Road. Beamers Falls is a sliding rock type Cascade, only steeper than sliding Rock. It's a pretty falls, not too large, but pleasant. We climbed fro the parking area at the top to the bottom, taking pictures as we went. We saw some fossils and snail shells and herb Robert in flower. There's a second falls lower down, but we only viewed that from the top.
Then we went over to the Bruce Trail parking lot on Quarry Road near Ridge road (Near Beamers Falls) and hiked back to the Beamers Falls gorge from the other side and along the gorge, which was really pretty.
Then we went back to the cars at the Comfort Inn where we'd been staying and traded stuff back and forth and repacked everything. Keith departed around 4 for Detroit. His mother, ML,and Graham were waiting for him with a hot dinner. He hoped to arrive around 7.
Mary, who had no one waiting for her with hot dinner and was going home alone to a coldempty house decided to walk at the beach above Centennial and attempt more pictures of the beach house and the high tension wires. She walked down there and did shoot some pictures, but the lighting wasn't as nice and there were people working i areial baskets and the sky wasn't as pretty and though she wandered around with her tripod gear, she sould not determine where she was standing when she took the shot she wanted to replicate with a tripod.
I am certain of nothing but the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination- John Keats