Friday, August 21, 2015

20150803 Library?

20150803 Library? 
  • To-do, copy all the Psion Files from all the Psions onto Harry Potter.
                Monday, August 3, 2015, 4:35 PM I am walking to the library, but I forgot to check the days and hours they are open, and in the summer, their days and hours are reduced so by the time I get there, they may be closed, dang it.  When I realized that, as I was leaving the house, it was so late that decided to just go.  If they are closed, I will have to go again tomorrow.  I hope not, but at least I'll get my exercise. 
            My hip hurts too much to run in attempt to get there before 5.  I am afraid running would make my hip collapse and I might fall and injure myself. 
            I finally did a smart thing today and copied all the files on the "D" drive on Comfort onto Harry Potter so I can access them any time I want at home. I need to do the same with Aamira and all the other Psions. 
            Keith just called to say the social worker called and they are not moving her to rehab today because she is having atrial fibrillation.  He worked ten hours today and is now on his way to go see her and find out what is going on.
            I had a dream last night which I don't remember, actually several dreams, that I remembered earlier but never remembered to write them down. 
            I remember part of the dream about a little rabbit-like animal, which I record below.
            Speaking of rabbits, the first of my rabbits was posted to a facebook page, "Draw me a rabbit," today.  That may have been what stimulated the dream. 
            I just realized I forgot to start my watch.  Oh well, it noamlly takes 23-25 minutes to walk to the library. Or longer.  I am walking fairly fast, for me.  I guess I can pretty well count on getting 45 minutes, anyway. 
            A woman sitting on a front stoop said, "Hello" in a cheery voice.  I hadn't seen her and we exchanged pleasantries about the delightful weather as I hurried past.  Two young women, white women, walking in the street, walk past me as if I am standing still, even though I am walking as fast as I can (and still be able to write.)
            The Psion, Comfort, says 4:55 but my watch says 5:01 and the church bells are ringing, so they must think it's 5:00.  I am still a block from the library.  I hope they don't close at 5.  If they do, I will rest briefly and walk back home.
            It annoys me that I can't plan better.  ;-(  I started the say missing my exercises because I wanted to jump right into the novel and be sure I went through it, and then, after working on the novel, I had a late breakfast and worked on another novel.  First I worked on LHI (Little Hog Island) and then on Rema and Romula.  Then I had a latish lunch and checked my email etc, and had a pile of dishes to do and had put away the dishes in the dishwasher etc, and wash up and I talked to Keith on the phone and then emailed Sarah, Neil, Graham etc the news about ML, and then got on my shoes and left and it was late!  AK!
            5:00 PM (OR 5:06, or whatever time it is, I am inside the library and they do not close until 9 PM M-F.  Phew .
            5:44 I am home, it took 28 minutes to walk home.  I worked on R&R below.
            Tuesday, August 4, 2915, 5:08 PM, I am walking home from Rolandale, but since I haven't walked at all today, I am walking away from home on the long route.  I had clipped the water bill to Keith’s glasses, but he left without his glasses and thus without the water bill, so I have the glasses clipped to the inside of my tank top, which looks terrible (along the chicken grease) and the water bill in my back pocket.  Hope I don't forget them.  I mean, I hope I don’t forget to give the water bill to Keith, hope I don't lose it or them.  (later:  I did remember to give him both.)
            This has been a somewhat upsetting difficult day.  Erin wrote and said that Brian is involved with another woman and is leaving her.  Keith's overtime was canceled and he came home early.  Keith's Mom, ML, is being discharged from the hospital and sent to rehab             and we need to go up there, but because I was expecting Keith to be working overtime and then going to the hospital, I had supepr planned to be late and hadn't walked yet.  And to further complicate things, while I was talking to Erin via email, the 3 cups of water I had put in the chicken soup and let on high, not realizing I would get involved in a conversation, boiled away.  I threw it away, and THEN tasted some and tasted GOOD (all concentrated and only slightly burnt, but it was too late, it had gone down the drain. Keith was going to cut vegetables, but he's on the phone with Graham, who had been planning on coming home soon, but who may have gotten Keith's upsetting letter about the car insurance, the tickets etc.
            Did I mention I got chicken grease all over the front of my blouse, did not do my exercises and did not work on my novel for tomorrow AT ALL yet today?  Keith said I could go to NY York if I wanted to be motherly and supportive, but I'm not sure how I could help.  Of course, I am worrying about custody, the house, etc., etc.
            There's a good chance I will be going with K tonight to check on ML, so I may not get to work on my novel at all today, which wouldn't be so bad except that tomorrow is class, though I may not get to read anyway, and I do have something nearly ready.
            Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 3:45 PM, out walking headed for Village around the block.  Graham is supposedly in town, but, other than a brief glimpse last night of him descending the stairs in the dark, I haven't yet seen him. 
            Keith has gone to American House to pick up clothes for ML, which he will take to Heartland rehab tonight.  He has not returned.  I've been alone all day, which is primarily good, because I've been working on LHI (Little Hog Island) for my Ewald writing group tonight.  I may not get to read, because there are 7 readers, and nine attendees.  I made ten copies, one for Keith. 
            Sky very blue and fall-like with puffy white clouds with grey bottoms.  Maybe as many clouds as clear sky space.  Sun variable, warm.  Small breeze.
            I am walking fast, as fast as I can, within reason, without too much pain, because I still have a lot to do before leaving for class.
            I have to make a wide detour out into the road for someone watering the sidewalk with a hard heavy spray. 
            I need to prepare for class, shop, make dinner (unless we go out to eat), and maybe even walk more.  Plus I have about a Zillion other things to do.  Things that are weighing on me.
            At least I do not have to try to outrun any tigers.  Not that I could.
            4:18 headed home.  I didn't get everything on the list because it occurred to me that Keith had stopped and gotten some of it (bacon, cauliflower, various other things.  What I didn't know is if he got grapefruit, but we don't need it until Sunday, so I can ask, or look.
            (He did NOT get a grapefruit). 
            Friday, August 7, 2015, 3:46 PM I am walking to VM.  I did NOT get a walk at all yesterday and the day before, I only got 15 minutes, so I am down an hour of walking, but it is late in the day, so9 I'm not sure if I will be able to walk an hour and 45 minutes.  Or even an hour, to start adding 15 minutes a day until I catch up.
            The library emailed me yesterday to say I had an overdue book.  It was, The Quick. I don't have it.  I called them, after looking at my book list, to say I had finished the book July 7.  We had some back and forth calls as a librarian looked on the shelves, it wasn't there; she called to say, after several other calls, "stop looking." She told me someone else had taken the book out.  She told me not to worry.  But today I got an email from the library saying the book had been missing and that someone had suddenly returned it, and if it was me, thank you, but one of the discs, #16 was missing.  ;{
            Naturally, this threw me into a tizzy and I wrote back that I had NOT recently returned it.  (Depending on how they define recently.)  I HAD, in fact, just returned a pile of audio books, but i honestly did not think that was among them, first of all, because I thought I'd already returned it, and secondly, that audio book was big and thick and the three I returned seemed thinner.  I forget what they were. 
            However, after they emailed me, I was thinking about it, and it seems to me that I was maybe listening to THAT particular audio book on my trip to NY and NH.  I am not of that, however.  I need to look at my Psion journals and see if I recorded what I was listening to.
            I did check my book list and had recorded having finished that book July 7.  However, if I was listening to it on the trip, that would not make sense, because the trip was after that. Unless I made a typo and meant to write July 27???  I need to look on Goodreads and see what date I recorded it.
            I wish my memory was better. 
            IF I had it in the car on the stop, I could have misplaced it, except for this odd thought.  I am pretty sire,  almost positive, that I did not finish the book on the trip (Keith says that whatever book I was reading (listening to) on the trip, I announced I was within ten minutes of the end when I got there. I believe I fished that book, or whatever book, at home, and therefore, the last disc would not be in the car, but I looked at it wasn't there.  Not in the bedroom or in any trip bags, I looked in them all. 
            6:04 PM I am walking away from home, from Rolandale up Kingsville on my way back to Moran from R'dale.  I am walking slowly, hobbling.  I took Meloxicam, acetaminophen, and put voltaren on my hip, but I can hardly walk at all.  I'm hoping it gets better and not worse, or I may have to call for Keith to come and pick me up. 
            I had a bad night last night, ate out at some restaurant --Atwater Brewery, in the park.  It's in a church, a pretty place, but cold, loud and with lousy food.  Between that and eating nut for the first time in a while, I don't know what caused the problem.  Sleeplessness, itchiness, constipation, unhappiness.  Feel rotten.  Complain, complain, complain.
            Anyway, it's a nice day.  Sunny, not too hot, not too humid.  Cicadas buzzing, rap music in the streets (loud), It's Friday evening.  I remember when that meant party time.  Now, it's just another day to get through in hopes of feeling better tomorrow.
            I didn't get weighed today, but after losing slowly ounces at a time, I gained it all back with the one Wheaties binge night Graham came back from Kalamazoo.
            So now I have start all over.  Difficult work.
            And I am not making much progress on my projects.  Including my thank you notes. 
            Yesterday, when I left the Atwater Brewery, I sat in the car waiting for K and G to return, I drew a picture on the Bluewater bridge little notepad of Peggy Hartwell.  I got the star on her forehead crooked and one eye a little bigger than the other and one eyebrow higher than the other.  I got up very late this morning after a rotten night, and then, instead of doing my exercises, I scanned the little sketch and cloned out the logo of Bluewater bridge and lowered the high eyebrow and shrunk the slightly large eye (they are both too large, but I left that) and then printed it on watercolor paper and will attempt to paint it with watercolors and if that doesn't work, I'll attempt to paint over it with acrylics.
            However, it also occurs to me that if I ever publish or self-publish this book, having black and while illos may be beneficial, because you have to pay extra for color illos—a LOT extra, because in some cases, you have to pay to have the whole entire book done on color paper even (98o2'1) even if you only have a few illos.  (I tripped and nearly fell and those numbers indicate my catching the Psion before it crashed to the ground.)
            The guy who lives in the house where the bird-killer used to live is out by the street picking up trash.  There are two dead, flattened birds, but they look old.
            I should be working on a novel, but I am SO exhausted.
            Monday, August 10, 2015, 3:42 PM I am out walking to VM.  I was planning on starting the meatloaf at 3:30, but lo and behold, I'd forgotten there was no eggs, dang.  So then I had to pee and put on my shorts (was "dressed" except for PJ shorts, which are more comfy.)
            I haven't walked at all today, because when I was free to walk, it was POURING rain.  It's luckily stopped, but everything is wet and puddled and the trees are dripping.
            It's warm and very humid and I should not have put my short-sleeved shirt on over my tank top.
            When we visited ML with Graham, he was very, very good with her.  When I mentioned that, Heidi reminded me that Graham can be super manipulative when feeling cornered and Sam said it showed he has a really good heart, underneath.  I was so pleased at how sweet he was with her.  I'd like to believe it was love and caring and not manipulation, but it is difficult to know for certain.  I want to believe the best about people.
            The Village Market delivery guy, who's name, dang it, I can't remember, just drove by (fast) and we waved to each other.  I had the wish that I could just call and have him deliver eggs, but that would be silly.  I need the exercise.  It is, however, raining again and I hope it doesn't rain as hard as it was earlier!
            4:19  Well, I did get rained on, it rained harder, quite hard, briefly, and then continued raining sort of lightly all the way home.
            4:44 Well, I got the meatloaf and the weird squash and the sweet potatoes in the over and am trying to walk again, but it's raining, so I will have to put away the Psion. 
            5:16 PM Well, I am out on yet another short walk.  The sun was out briefly, but it's gone again.  Keith came home and left again to get his blood drawn.  This will be the last of my 45 minutes of walking, but I wanted to walk an extra 15 minimum toward the missed walks when Graham was here.  I am currently down a half hour, not counting today's time. 
            I will not be able to walk again immediately, because I need to start the vegetables as soon as I get back.  Green veggies, hopefully.  Because I have to cook and eat, I may not get out again.  I wanted to walk early, but got distracted posting an old (written in mid July) Cowbird story I'd never posted.  It always takes me so long.
            Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 11:41 AM I am walking, hopefully, over to Rolandale.  It is deliciously coolish and windy, fallish.  Blue sky, white clouds.  I will water the plants, check and harvest the garden, have my lunch there, work on my writing, hopefully Little Hog Island. 
            I am carrying a backpack in which I have my lunch.  The lunch is leftover stir-fry, sauerkraut, psyllium, and an avocado.  The avocado is fairly soft, hope it's not ruined.  I wrapped it in paper towels and put it in a jar.  (later—it turned out to be fine, almost perfect except a few small spots.)
            My trip (outing, walk) to R'dale was delayed by the arrival, just as I was getting ready to leave, of a man from DTE who wanted to change the electrical meters.  He wanted me to turn off the TV, the computers and the air conditioner.  We don't have a TV, the computers were on, and I had no idea how to turn off the air conditioner, and had to call Keith. 
            Keith said to push the button the right, which I did.  It said "Hold".  “No,” he said, “not the arrows.”  It wasn't an arrow.  :{
            Anyway, I pushed various buttons, and it was the one on the right of a series of three on the bottom that turned it off and the minute it went off, the phone stopped working.  The guy must have seen the blades stop and immediately unplugged the old meter and the power.
            So, here's the thing, before I left to walk to R'dale, I went out and looked at the two new meters, one for the AC and one for everything else.  They did not appear to be working.  They were flashing and one said not reg.  But the guy was gone and before I left to walk to R'dale, I turned the air back on.  The hold thing was still on.  I didn't know what to do about it.  I decided it would probably be ok until K gets home from work.  Hope so.  Hope that meters are actually working OK and there isn't some issue with them and we don't have some kind of hassle, hope the guy doesn't come back while I'm away and want the air off again.
            There is now a lawn where the green house used to be, grass with Queen Ann's lace and Deptford Pink etc.  Butterfly weed in flower.
            It may not actually be cool out.  It may just be the breeze, a good steady one most of the time, but there was a lull and it felt hot. 
            A lady passing me tells me I have pretty hair.  I tell her thank you, have a nice day.  The ladies in Detroit often comment on my hair.
            As I am walking past the house that used to be Canyon Bob's, the man who supposedly watched his father blow his own brains out with a gun when he was a kid rides by on his bike, mumbling and talking and looking around suspiciously. He has grizzled red hair and a bright fluorescent orange and yellow vest.  I wonder about the bicycle man with the dead father, and about Canyon Bob.  Where he is.  How he is.  "I'm not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings.  I'm a drunk."  He's the one who told me about the man who talks while he rides his bike.  Is the story true?  I don't know.  In a court of law, it would be hearsay, and from unreliable witness.
            I see a horse, a black horse with a rider.  Two riders.  The horse minces along the edge of Balduck Park, with four white stockings.  Then, I see it is two people with black tights, black shirts, white socks and white shoes carrying something.  I am the star witness.  I would take an oath that I saw a horse, that is, I would have, two seconds before I realized the one horse was two people. 
            I stop to rub the scabrous surface of some elm leaves.  I study an ash tree that is dying of the ash borer disease and has dead branches sticking out of a cluster of leaves.  I notice porch lights on in the blaring sun.  Two cars both nearly run me down at the stop sign on Chandler Park Drive.  They whiz past on either side, spinning my braids. 
            I am hungry and will probably eat lunch shortly after I arrive at Rolandale.  I feel a little sad that I will not be eating lunch listening to Life Before Man or reading Armageddon Summer.  Maybe I will eat on the back porch.  I could also listen to audio books I have there, but I'm not there enough to follow through. 
            I'd like to be there more. 
            I like working there in the peace and quiet. If Keith retires, I may spend more time at Rolandale.  I dearly love Keith, dearly love him, but need to be able to do my work.
            Now I am walking past the old lady's house, with her beautiful gardens, her huge pink, white and red hibiscus flowers, monkey vines and all the other plants.  I wonder how she is.  Last I heard he was sick.  There is a wrecked car in front of her house. Keith has been complaining about it.  It blocks his view trying to cross Moross, which is what I am doing now. 
            Moross has one lane blocked off with orange cones; traffic is piled up.  I scoot between the cars.  And while I am doing that, a block truck on Rolandale scoots through from the other direction, waving a thank you to the cars that waited, which I suppose I should have done instead writing while I dash.
            And now I am arrive at R'dale, removing junk from the front door.  A paper we never look at, an ad from a grocery store we never go to.  Then I see that I never started my watch after I stopped it at Mack, for the light.  It is 12:19.  I started at 11:41.  That means I walked about 38 minutes, but some of that time was waiting for lights.  So probably about the average 35 minutes it takes me to walk here.
            The Black-eyed-Susan's in the front of the house are resplendently flowering.  The fern is looking puny and pale.
            It is cool in the house.  The air-conditioner is running, which seems wasteful.  Until I am here, and hot.  I am happy to take the backpack off my sweaty back. 
            1:11 PM  Because I was hot, I decide against eating on the back porch.  Walking with a backpack on has heated me up, in spite of the breeze.  Instead, I bring down The Outer Banks audio book from the player in the study/studio and start it over at the beginning (I was into the 4th tape), because it has been a while.  I listen to Outer Banks while I sat at the little card table eating my lunch.  I am grateful for the boom box already plugged in, and because they are tapes, I could continue listening upstairs, if I were going to paint or clean.  But I was going to write, or edit.  Or both.  After I go out and check the garden.  Harvest whatever needs to be harvested.
            2:04 PM  WOW!  I've been out harvesting the garden for almost an hour and I am sure I did not get everything.  There are more tomatoes, for example.  But I am all hot, itchy and tired and quitting for now.  I will not be able to carry everything home in my backpack, too much stuff, won't fit, too heavy!
            Phew, hot work.
                        *          *          *          *  EJ End Journal EJ EJ EJ
            (           (           (           ( Dream, small animal
            I have a small animal, shaped like a rabbit, but without obvious long rabbit ears.  It is soft and fairly tame and I am caring for it.  Someone, a child I thinks, lets 2 large cats into the room where the animal is wandering around.  I am very concerned about the rabbit's safety (the small animal's) and also worried that the large orange cat is using something as a litter box that is not appropriate.
            Took me 25 minutes to get here.
            5:13 PM I got 5 audio books.  One, Life before Man, is a Margaet Atwood book.  I am sitting outside in the sun.  Just for a moment, to rest.  I probably should have used the rest room, but I did not. 
            It's sunny, breezy, fairly low humidity, pleasant.  I should have gone over to R'dale today to check the garden, but I did not.
            I did start my watch for the walk home. As soon as I et home, I want to start cutting veggies for dinner so that when Keith arrives, he can begin the pork chop which we will share.
            *          *          *          * end dream
            *          *          *          *  Rema and Romula R&R *  *          *
            BS, Brainstorming:*   *          *         
 So I have this idea, instead of setting the R&R novel at Grosse Pointe Academy, or at South, neither of which I am very familiar, why not set it at Ewald Library, where I meet with my group and where I  had my class?  OK, new rule, class setting, is at Ewald. 
            And why not have class discussion right on facebook?  A facebook goup.  Of course. if Facebook fails, it will date the novel.  But let's do it.
            We need to limit the number of characters.  Not end up with too many.
            Kylie* *          *
            Kylie:  Jam's letting me use his cell phone to work on my novel exchange homework for Avarice.  We're out in his boat.  We had to take Keisha with us, of course, but she's sitting in the bow, alternating between looking out "to sea" (to Lake St. Clair) and writing on that little computer that Antoine gave her.  She's carefully avoiding looking at us, which is her primary job, of course.  That's what we pay her for and I think Mom's paying her, too, for the opposite reason--to watch us.  It's good work if can get it, spy and counter spy.
            I'm sure she'd rather be with Antoine, but he had to work today, anyway.
            I think Antoine is a creep.  He's cute, don't get me wrong.  He's got huge greenish eyes, hazel, I guess, with long dark lashes and zillions of short little braids all over his head.  But there's something about him that skeeves me out, and I hate that he follows Keisha around.  I'm glad he's not here right now, though, although I'd feel better about necking with Jam if Keisha was necking with Antoine or preferably someone else.  Every time I ask her what she's doing, she says, "working on my novel."
            Anyway, Jam is drinking a beer that he hid in the cooler among the cokes he brought for the rest of us.  So, since Keisha's working on her novel, I thought I'd work on mine. 
            Keisha's got a partner who I think is a guy, Argiki, Argiki Jones.  Maybe he's related to me and Keisha, but I doubt it.  There's too may Joneses in the world.  My partner is named Melody Johnstone and I'm pretty sure she's white and female.  Which is okay, because I already have a boyfriend and want to keep him.
            He's white, Jam, but doesn't seem at all to mind that I'm not.
            I don't get the assignment to write about ourselves.  I mean, how is that a novel? A novel is supposed to be fiction and if write true stuff about ourselves, isn't that NONfiction?  Avarice says that every character should have character flaws and strengths, and that that the flaws and strengths of the protagonist, or main character in our novel (each of us has to write a novel before the year is up) should, for optimum writing power, be the same or similar to our own character flaws and strengths.  I'd prefer to say strengths and flaws.  I'd like to put the emphasis on the positive.  I asked Avarice why she insisted on saying flaws and strengths, and she said it was because people had a tendency to downplay their flaws and up-play (is that a word?) their strengths, and that good character flaws were pivotal to the structure of the novel.
            But then again, I pointed out, in front of everyone (oops, bad me, sorry Avarice, I mean Mrs. Averick), that strengths are also pivotal, because without strengths, how can we overcome our flaws.  It has to be the balance between the two.
            So wait, is novel writing some kind of therapy, if we use our own strengths and flaws and do battle like good and evil?  Is that why there are so many stories about good and evil? Character strengths battling weaknesses and flaws?
            We're supposed to list and elaborate our own flaws, as opposed, Avarice said, to listing and elaborating the flaws of others, although Julie says that often, those flaws that bug us most about other people are often the flaws we fail to see in ourselves. That is, our shadow selves, she says, come out in what we project onto others.  I don't quite get what that means!
            When I said so, Julie said that we see our own darkness in the shadows of others.  Sounds a bit like a poem and I never did get poems that well.
            (Julie is the woman Mom takes care of, only sometimes, Julie takes care of all of us.)  (I mean, it's Mom's job to take care of Julie, that’s what she gets paid to do.  Julie's handicapped.  Not mentally, she's sharp as a tack.  Wait, wait, that's a cliché, isn't it?  Sorry Avarice, I mean, sorry Mrs. Avarick.)[1]  OK, until I think of a better way to say it, let me just say that Julie Grant is intelligent.  Extremely intelligent.  And although it’s Mom’s job to care for her, she’s also Mom’s friend, and ours, Keisha’s and mine. 
            Julie’s smart, except about certain things, which I may or may not elaborate later.  I’m not sure it has bearing on the story I’m supposed to be telling for Avarice.  I’m with Keisha on this, Mrs. Averick, I liked it better when everyone called you Maverick; it suited you.  Avarice does not.  I am going to talk to Keisha about trying to get kids to call you Maverick again.  Mav’rick.
            Facebook post, in the Ewald novel group: “Hey, y’all, let’s quit with calling Mrs. Averick Avarice.  She’s not greedy or covetous.  She’s nice, and weird enough that Maverick fits her.  I vote for Mav’rick.”
            Now I interrupt Keisha, because that little Psion she’s writing on does not connect to Facebook, I mean how lame is that?  (Of course, I can’t connect, either, without Jam’s phone.)  I hand her Jam’s phone, point, and she knows immediately what to do.
            “<3 :D Great idea, Kylie, I second the motion.  Wish I posted it first.  Go Mav’rick!”  She forgets to sign out, but I’m so pleased she agrees (with her own idea—and mine) that I don’t mind signing her out and me back in.
            So anyway, back to smart.  Me, I'm smart, too.  That's why I am in this gifted and talented program where a select few of us are supposedly going to learn to write a novel. 
            I don't have any flaws though.  None.  I'm perfect.  Except I'm not as pretty as I wish I were.  Not as thin or gorgeous, and not as rich. 
            "Hey, Jam," I say, poking him in the ribs, "Do I have any flaws?"
            I'm hoping he'll say no.  Instead, he says, "Yeah, you won't let me in your pants, you're a cock tease."
            "No really," I say.  I am thinking no way can I post this on the site.  We're required to, of course.  I mean, we're getting credit. I may have to edit severely.  We're supposed to "free-write" our thoughts.  Does she think we're crazy?  Who’d want her to read their private thoughts?  Not me; I don't think so.   Maybe I will wait to post mine until I see what other people are writing and what Mav’rick says.  We have to post everything at this online writing site where EVERYONE can see it, and we can everyone else's, and comment if we want, but we only HAVE to comment on our partner's, for me, Melody's. 
            I'm going to see if I can find her on facebook and friend her so I can see what she looks like.
            "Hmmm, faults," Jam says, "How do I hate thee, let me count the ways."  Up in the bow of the boat, I hear Keisha muffling a snort.  She must be listening. 
            I could ask her.  She wouldn't be as gentle as Jam.  Jam's probably afraid to say anything I might consider mean for fear I won't let him cop a feel. 
            Speaking of which, he's finished his beer and is starting to grope.  He's trying to take the cellphone away. 
            I say, "Wait!  I have write down a fault before you take the phone." 
            "Cocktease," he says again, laughing, grabbing my boob in one hand and the phone in . . ."
            . . . "the other.  Well, huh.  I just got kissed like mad.    Felt good, if I do say so myself.  Kisses and groped.  But when he started reaching inside my bra, I hit his hand and said no, and Keisha turned around and gave Jam the evil eye.  He already had a hold of my nipple (no, I did not just write the word "nipple!") and tugged on it, which sent shivers through me, but he withdrew his hand. 
            "Cocktease," he said, for the third time in a row.
            "I'm not a cocktease!" I said, feeling annoyed.  "If you were being a gentleman, I wouldn't have to keep saying no."
            "You can turn around now," Jam says to Keisha, who gives him the evil eye and does not look away. 
            "It's OK, Keisha," I say, “Jam's going to be good new."
            "What kind of good?" she mumbles, but turns around.
            So, yeah, my faults and strengths. 
            Strengths first:
          I'm smart
          I'm a pretty good writer, not that you can tell by reading this.
          I'm a pretty good artist.
          I'm a pretty good singer.
          I'm pretty.  (But wish I were prettier.)
          I'm a good runner and good swimmer (better than my twin, Keisha, at both of those.)
          I'm a pretty hard worker (at least in school.  Sometimes, Mom says I am lazy, because I don't make my bed. Keisha always does.)
Now my weaknesses and character flaws:
          maybe I am lazy;   I don't like to work.  That is, I don't like chores.
          maybe I am oversexed.  I love kissing Jam, really love it and some of the other things he does.  I kind of wish it was ok to do more.  I'm not sure, though, that this is what Mav’rick is looking for.
          I like to gossip.  Keisha says that is really bad, but she does it too.  A little.
          Um, some of my faults are things I don't really want to advertise to the whole world.  Maybe those aren't relevant.
          I get cranky easily when I'm tired or hungry.
I wonder if Mrs. Averick has a list of faults relevant to novels.[2]  Because I sure as heck do NOT want to write my faults down for everyone to see.  I mean, some of them people will probably have noticed, like my tendency to talk too much, especially when I am nervous, but some feel personal and private.
            Maybe I should go back and read the assignment.
            It occurs to me that if I give my protagonist my worst faults, then everyone who reads my novel and knows the assignment will know what they are!
            Jam is sticking his tongue in my ear, which feels half good and half gross.  He wants me to give him the cell phone and pay attention to him.

            Jam's having another beer.  He says I have 30 seconds to look up the assignment.  Here it is, 1)keep a free-write journal for at least 15 minutes a day.  2)record your character flaws and strengths.  Which of your character flaws would most likely get a protagonist into a difficult situation.  Journal about some difficult situations you've found yourself in.  3)post a minimum of 300? words a day to your shared online writer's journal.  Remember, your private online journal will not be reviewed by teachers or other students.  Teachers will only be given an automatic word count.
            Aha.  So we can pick and choose what to post.  But if we don’t list our worst flaws in the shared part, how will she know if we did the assignment?
            Jam is still drinking his beer.  I'm going to see if Melody has posted anything.  First I’m going to post on Ewald Facebook page my question about relevant flaws:  “Dear Mav’rick, are their special flaws that are particularly relevant to novel writing?”

            Chapter ?, Melody Johnstone, assignment 1?
            I told Dad that I needed an iPad for my Gifted and Talented Novel Writing Class at the Ewald Library.  He said novel writing was a waste of time and that woman just get married and have babies.  He was joking, teasing me, or still living in the dark ages.  With him, it’s difficult to tell.  Hasn't he heard of Margaret Atwood?  Amy Tan?  (author of a and Y), (author of potato peel pie), etc.  I mean what about Charlotte Bronte? (etc)  I didn't bother enlightening him, because he was either not serious or it's a hopeless cause.
            So, I called Grandma, told her I needed an iPad for English, and she came on her motorcycle and took me up to the Apple store.  Pretty cool.  Only the iPad doesn't have word, it has some dumb substitute.  I guess that's OK.  Steve says apple is the best and doesn't get viruses and he's jealous that I have a new iPad.  His is Gen 1 and doesn't work that well with the bloated software, he says.  He can’t afford to get himself a new one because of all the movies he takes me to, and the popcorn and cokes he buys me, and the flowers.  And Starbucks.  I smile my Mona Lisa smile.  I won’t explain if you’re too dumb to figure it out. J Y
            My iPad is thinner and smaller than Steve's.  It's pretty.  I want to get a skin for it.  Leopard, pink and black.  Or frog, or toad or snake or alligator or dinosaur, as long as it's fake and not made from any real animal.  That would be too gross.  I gotta wait a couple weeks and then ask Grandma, after I write her a nice thank you note.  And mail it, and she has time to get it and put it up on her fridge. 
            So I'm supposed to list my flaws and strengths, but if I understand right, I don't have to do it in the public (“shared”) post.  At the moment, I'm writing on the iPad, not on the Facebook Group page itself.  Actually, the only people who can see our shared posts are other members of the Ewald group.  (((NO WAIT, there need to be two groups.)))
            So, why would I mind talking about my flaws, anyway?  Probably everyone else knows what they are as well as I do, maybe better than I do.  Oh, except maybe Kylie, my new partner.  I wonder what her flaws are.  Before I list my flaws, I am going to check her post and see if she listed hers. 
            *          *          *          *   end R&R
            *          *          *          *  begin Unreliable witness
            On Becoming an Unreliable Witness
            As I walk past the house that used to be Canyon Bob's, the man who supposedly watched his father blow his own brains out with a gun when he was a kid rides by on his bike, mumbling and talking and looking around suspiciously. He has grizzled red hair and a bright fluorescent orange and yellow vest.  He sits tall and straight on his bike.  I wonder about the bicycle man with the dead father, and about Canyon Bob.  Where is Canyon Bob?  He no longer lives in this house; someone else does.  How is he?  Still drinking?  "I'm not an alcoholic; alcoholics go to meetings.  I'm a drunk."  He tottered when he said that, clutching a glass.  He's the one who told me about the man who talks out loud while he rides his bike.  Is the story true?  I don't know.  In a court of law, it would be hearsay, and from an unreliable witness.
            Looking from Canyon Bob’s ahead down the street, I see a horse, a black horse with a rider.  Two riders.  The horse minces along the edge of Balduck Park, with four white stockings.  Almost dances.  Then, I see it is two people with black tights, black shirts, white socks and white shoes carrying something between them on their shoulders.  I am the star witness.  I would take an oath that I saw a horse, that is, I would have, two seconds before I realized the one horse was two people. 
            I stop to rub the scabrous surface of some elm leaves.  I study an ash tree that is dying of the ash borer disease and has dead branches sticking out of a central cluster of leaves.  I notice porch lights on in the blaring sun at the small white house on the corner.  Two cars simultaneously nearly run me down at the stop sign on Chandler Park Drive.  They whiz past on either side, their wind spinning my braids. 
            I picture myself up in heaven.  I am dead, and the heavenly police are questioning me.  Who struck you? They ask.  Duh, I say, I think there were two vehicles, a black SUV and a small white car.  Make and model?  Gender of driver? Duh, I repeat. There was a stop sign, I say.  They were supposed to stop.  I had the right of way.  It’s true; there was a stop sign.  They were supposed to stop.  But being right doesn’t help when yr dead, and an unreliable witness to boot.
            I step from an alternate universe back into this one, where I am safe, if slightly shaken.  Here the sun shines on black, black clouds and the cicadas celebrate summer.  I take a deep breath and keep walking.

[1] Look up the name Averick or Avarick and see how it should be spelled. 
[2] Look for this.  Ask Sydney.

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