Saturday, October 21, 2006

from a note to Debbie Fleri

I'm falling behind on my correspondence.  I had over 200 boxes to unpack, now about 196.  And I have to get all new doctors and change my driver's licence registration and insurance and change my name at all the banks etc and all these things seem to take so long--so I am falling behind.  I apologize, 'cause I never finished answering your last note.

I had lunch with a friend who drives trucks and was stranded at a truck stop yesterday.  We took a break last night and went to see STOMP and so I got nothing done.  STOMP was really good!  We really enjoyed it.  VERY creative.

I'm so happy to finally be moved (though not everything is moved and not everything is settled and I still have to go back regularly to see my Mom.  But I'm here with Keith and out of the house.  YAY! He's such a wonderful loving patient man!  Fun and funny.

I wrote him a poem and made him a card for his birthday, along with a chocolate wafer cake and apple crisp.  I made him Calamari and veggies in a white wine sauce for his birthday, which was the 19th.  I really wanted to be moved here for his birthday, because that was a treat for him, to have me to fuss over him on his birthday, LOL!

My daughter, Erin, got a new dog.  Cute!  But I haven't been able to get any good shots of it.

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