Friday, October 27, 2006

Par for the Course

061027 MP Friday, October 27, 2006; 9:24 AM

I wanted to get up earlier today, but I slept late again and missed Graham and a getting another late start on my day.  I think I slept late because I didn't sleep "at all" the night before last.  I actually slept poorly for about two and half hours and lay wide awake the rest of the night.  I did wake up and lay awake last night, too, but not as much.  It's pretty par for the course.  They say you can't catch up on sleep, but I seem to sleep longer after having missed some sleep, when I finally do sleep some.

The bird is downstairs screeching his squeaky toy sound.  I answer with "hello, pretty bird," because I am not fond of the squeaky toy sound and do not want to encourage it.

Someone leaving a "mean" comment suggesting I should go back where I came from and stop being so "insensitive" upset me yesterday.  I wondered if it might be AS or G leaving the comment since someone from P had just visited E.  I'd feel much worse if it was AS than if it were G.  Because G can say insensitive things or be upset about something and still come and sit on my lap or ask for a chocolate shake or tell me he loves me abut AS might be genuinely resentful and mean what she said.  I tried to put a site meter on the site, but the whole works froze up so I don't know if it worked.  I don't know if I should delete the comment or all the comments or make it so only registers users can comment.  Keith thinks it was just a random meany, but I'm not so sure.  Anyway, it was the last thing I thought about last night when I went to bed and the first thing I thought about this morning when I got up, very upsetting.  I don't think of myself as mean or "insensitive," generally.  The Unbearable Darkness of Being is my complaining blog.  It's for fibromyalgia and other complaints. 

I finally did order Christmas presents last night for Sara and Erin.  It was a long time coming.  Phew!  It seems like I am always so busy, and so slow it takes forever to get things done. 

And I got a call from Toshiba last night saying the credit card didn't go through and I was worried it was a scam call but I gave the a different credit card (Discover!) and then Keith spent more than an hour on the phone trying to find out why HIS credit card was rejected and got cut off twice and never found out.  He did find out that it was in fact rejected and they read him the previous purchases, which were groceries and other mundane things.  And they cleared the card to be used again, but without ever saying why it was rejected.  What is the point of a card if you can't use it?  It caused a 24-hour delay in the making and shipping of my new computer, which almost guarantees it won't get here before I leave for NY.  It is coming from China.  I'm sure this is disturbing to Keith.  He prefers American made items.

It's raining again, dark and grey and rainy.  Wet yellow leaves on the lawn and sidewalk.  It looks like late fall, which I guess it is.  Keith rode his motorcycle, so it must not have been raining at 5:30 when he left.  But it is now and looks rather dismal out.  We had one fairly sunny day yesterday, but I was sick and never got out in it.

My fibro (FM) is still pretty bad, much better than yesterday or the night before.  Still stiff and painful, though.  9:44 AM

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